Many customers of Galloway Flooring have dreams of installing stone-styled flooring within their homes. The hefty price of installing real stone is typically a put off, but there is more than fantasy when selecting a stone-styled luxury vinyl tile as an alternative.
And we are not just talking grey colours! We stock many different palettes and special design options within that stone-style to give your home a distinct look and feel - and at a much cheaper cost that hauling real stone into your home.
Are you wondering what type of stone would suit your home and the design of your chosen room? Allow Galloway Flooring in Denton to show you some stylish LVT options.

One highlight to choosing LVT over stone, slates or marble designs is that it is relatively easy to install by yourself if your room and design choice is not too complex. We would recommend a professional installation with our team for any installation that is not straightforward.
Among the most popular LVT designs is the slate look, proving that your roof is not the only place where it can be incredibly stylish and strong.
Not only slate design provide a classic look and feel throughout the home, but it is suitable for any room from the kitchen to the bathroom. No matter where you install it, this LVT will add depth to areas previously feeling flat. With it’s varying palette schemes from black to silver and beyond, you will find yourself truly loving your steps into sophistication and lavish home design.
Forget all of those cumbersome stone designs that look clunky and mismatched. You can opt for the next best thing with plenty of varied stone options throughout many luxury vinyl brands.
Many homeowners prefer a stone design in their bathroom, or a specially built sauna room, but over the years kitchens have become the hot favourite for installing LVT stone designs. Mixing a stone LVT look with granite worktops provides relaxation even when you are cooking for a group of ten.
With underfloor heating systems in place, you can even retain warmth whilst adding incredible sound reduction should it be required.

Although not a stone-style option per-se, porcelain is a perfect LVT design for bathrooms. It's unique look can catch surrounding wall tiles and fixtures for a more complete feel to the room.
Whether fixtures and countertops are black, white, cream or otherwise, porcelain style LVT will keep that sense of coordination and control. With waterproof and easy maintenance safeguards, you are assured that no water will seep through to the subfloor, and it’s anti-slip design means no accidents when stepping out of the bath or shower. With constant rises and drops in temperature, your flooring won’t be going anywhere due to its perfect compatibility with the room.

Still stuck for which stone-style suits your home? You wouldn’t be the first.
That is why Galloway Flooring in Manchester are leading popular suppliers of LVT flooring solutions, helping customers identify the right vinyl options for the home. If you would like to know more, why not drop by our showroom in Denton to discover the many LVT brands and designs we have in stock?
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