Swapping Old Tiles for LVT

Published on 6 December 2023 at 11:50

As soon as Christmas is over, it is not unusual for homeowners to desire certain changes to go with their new year-new me attitude. A change in the home is something that supports the desire to ramp things up, and people begin to compose a list of outdated, worn or uninspiring decor in the home ripe for change.

One of the most common items is floor tiling, which can quickly lose its look when cracks, chips and unremovable stains occupy them. One way to replenish vibrancy in tile-styled flooring is to switch out your old, worn and unsightly tiles for luxury vinyl tile (LVT).

At Galloway Flooring, we can help you bid farewell to the old and usher in the new with this cost-effective alternative to tiles.


LVT is more cost-effective than laminate flooring or alternative premium options. Due to the realism produced by LVT, it has remained an extremely popular form of flooring thanks to the benefits it provides. There are two main types of LVT - WPC and SPC.

WPC stands for 'wood plastic composite', whilst SPC stands for 'stone plastic composite' - both with benefits in softer, warmer and durable qualities for a variety of rooms.


A Cost-Effective Solution

Whether you are considering porcelain tiles or cermaic tiles, LVT will always be the least expensive option for your home. Not only saving costs in product price, it is also a much cheaper alternative in installation.

Many DIY enthusiasts have found the process of placing luxury vinyl tiles down such an easy job that they choose to save on professional installers and self-install. This is simple enough for generic laying patterns, but more complex laying designs will call for more seasoned hands to do the job right.

Even if mistakes are made in a self-installation, the tiles are incredibly cheap to replace. We always recommend buying a few extra tiles to have in storage should any incident that requires replacement happen.


Perfect for Your Kitchen

Traditionally, tile flooring has been the choice for kitchens, bathrooms and any room where water poses a risk. Whilst tiles have had many years of durability as an option, they tend to be very expensive to replace - or even find the right matching style after a few years.

LVT can be removed much easier than wood or stone tiles without causing mass disruption of your floor space. LVT's 100% waterproof design means that your subfloor is protected from any leaks, spills or accidents, and a cushioned feel means that falling objects will not chip or crack your tiles or cause excessive staining from dropped sauces or foods.

LVT's design also acts as a perfect insulator for heat, which is why LVT has become one of the most requested flooring options for homes with underfloor heating systems.


Can LVT Lay Over Existing Tiles?

Luxury vinyl tiles are one of the only flooring options that can be placed over existing surfaces - such as concrete, hardwood and tiles themselves. It remains popular because of this adaptable feature.

However, it must be stressed that to place LVT over existing flooring, there needs to be a fair amount of preparation beforehand. Before laying any tiles over your flooring, you will need to remove any damaged or cracked tiles, as well as any waxes or sealants in order for your LVT adhere to the surface.

All grout lines greater than 1/8" will need filling to ensure a smooth subsurface. If you are unsure about the level of work required to prep your flooring for placing LVT over the top, it is advisable to consult with professional fitters to ensure the project is perfectly installed the first time and avoiding any additional costs.


Obviously, the choice between using new tiles or luxury vinyl flooring depends on your priorities, budget and the specific requirements of the room you are looking to floor. At Galloway Flooring in Manchester, we offer versatility and comfort at a lower cost, whilst providing durability and a natural aesthetic through the luxury vinyl option.

Galloway Flooring in Denton has a showroom full of options in the world of LVT. Contact our friendly team or drop by to explore the options and find the right brand for your new year design touch ups.


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